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Natural Herbal Remedies For Scleroderma

What is Scleroderma?

Scleroderma is a skin disorder relating to fluxes in the skin, blood vessels, muscles, and core structures. It is a protracted widespread autoimmune disease in which a patient suffers from inurement and vascular disparities. It is characterized as Limited Systemic Scleroderma and Diffuse Systemic Scleroderma. In limited systemic scleroderma slight percentages of the skin are affected mainly hands, feet, arms and other small portions. In Diffuse Systemic Scleroderma major percentages of the skin are affected and they embroil back, tummy and other large areas of the body where it can easily spread. Scleroderma is essentially a kind of skin disorder in which hard, smooth and immovable patches on the skin are formed and they give the image of an intransigent skin. A patient suffers both physically and psychologically because they are a major embarrassment if they are visible on the exposed parts of the body.

How is it caused?

There are various causes of this skin disorder which play a very vital role in the origination of Scleroderma. Buildup of collagen in the skin or other organs of the body, exposure to silica dust and over exposure to polyvinyl chloride play a major role in triggering this disease or sometimes considered the main causes of occurrence of Scleroderma. Systemic lupus erythematosus and Polymyositis also contribute a lot to the origination of this skin disorder.

Symptoms of Disease

There are various symptoms of this skin disorder which help a doctor diagnose this disease and make it easier for them to recommend the right treatment option for the cure of this ailment. The symptoms that help identify this disease include:

    • Bluish skin color on fingers and toes
    • Hair loss
    • Hardness of the skin
    • Light and dark patches on the skin
    • Stiffness in the skin
    • Tightness of fingers, hands, and forearm
    • Lumps inside the skin
    • Ulcers on the fingertips or toes
    • Tight and mask-like skin on the face
    • Joint pain
    • Numbness and pain in the feet
    • Pain, stiffness, and swelling of fingers and joints
    • Wrist pain
    • Dry cough
    • Shortness of breath
    • Wheezing
    • Dilation after eating
    • Constipation
    • Diarrhea
    • Difficulties while swallowing
    • Esophageal reflux
    • Heartburning
    • Difficulties controlling stools

Treatment, Prevention & when to see the Doctor?

There are a number of topical as well as oral medicines and skin surgeries that claim to eliminate this skin disorder permanently but you can obviously not adopt any treatment option without the approval and consultation of an expert dermatologist. You need to immediately consult a doctor if few or all of the above symptoms are witnessed and they don’t disappear within a week or two. You should see a doctor immediately if a week or two has passed with these symptoms.

There are a number of prevention techniques too which can help a great deal in preventing this skin disorder to occur and aid faster recovery if you are undergoing a treatment. You should be careful with your diet and should focus more on fruits, vegetables and a lot of drinks. You should keep yourself well hydrated by drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. Exercising regularly can also help ensure proper circulation of blood and release of all the antioxidants from the body. It is important to cleanse your stomach by eating a balanced diet and drinking a lot of water. You should avoid exposure to sun and put a lot of sunscreen before going out.

Our Formula

We have invented a formula that has been carefully researched by the experts. All the ingredients that have been combined to formulate this mixture are purely natural and have the strong tendency to fight this skin disorder and help a great deal in improving your skin texture. This herbal treatment is an ideal treatment for the cure of Scleroderma.

Why Us?

Why you should choose us for the treatment of Scleroderma is because we specialize in producing 100% natural products involving herbal ingredients. Ever since we have been in operation we have not had any complaints so far and this medicine has helped a huge number of patients to recover without undergoing any painful skin surgeries or other medical treatments.


In short words to conclude the benefits of this herbal treatment we would like to sum it up by claiming that this herbal formula designed to fight Scleroderma is an ideal treatment option which has no side effects to offer and is very harmless for the skin. It not just helps you to get rid of the disease but also help a lot in improving the overall condition of your skin.